Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Profit - The Soup Market Update

Tonight on The Profit Marcus Lemonis is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with hopes of making a deal with The Soup Market. The Soup Market is a soup and sandwich restaurant that has five locations in the Milwaukee area.  The death of a co-owner who kept the company's finances in order has caused some issues at The Soup Market.  While Marcus is there, it seems there is something off as employees are talking about an employee named Grace, but the owner Dave doesn't make mention of her.

Let's take a look at some information related to The Soup Market as well as what kind of deal was made on the show.

News and Links Related To The Company:

  • Here is The Soup Market website and Facebook Page.
  • There are currently five Milwaukee area locations of The Soup Market and they also sell the soup at Farmers Markets and do catering.
  • Dave Jurena also had a food truck called the Chameleon Mobile, but sold it to someone else in 2015. (Link)
  • Owner Dave started a root beer company named after his daughters.  They are involved in the business and all profits from the root beer goes to their college fund.  The root beer is sold in all The Soup Market locations. (Link)
  • Marcus Lemonis seemed to have done some renovations in June 2016 as The Soup Market posted, "Sooooooo, I think we may be closed next week at Bay View. Due to a scheduling snafu that I wasn't aware of, we are remodeling & rebranding the store, but originally it was supposed to just happen on weekends, when we're closed.....The guys showed up at 4:00 today and started ripping the place apart.....We apologize for any inconvenience, and we will keep you up to date as we know more....Keep your fingers closed for a quick remodel!"
    • The Soup Market also followed up with, "Yes, we thought we'd shake things up. After 12 years, it's time for an evolution. We are going to be part of something much bigger, but that's all I can say for now."
  • In early 2014, owner Dave Jurena and Grace Ludewig (seen on the show) launched a business called Grace Magnolia Luxury Brownies.  Here is an article about the business and how it was launched as well as a video interview on the local news with both Dave and Grace.  The brownies were being sold in all The Soup Market locations and online.
    • The Facebook Page of Grace Magnolia Luxury Brownies hasn't posted since April 2015 and the website URL no longer works.  Also, the brownies are not on The Soup Market menu.  So it appears the business is no longer operating.  Perhaps this could be what caused the drama seen in the previews of the episode?

The Deal From The Episode Plus Post-Show Updates (this will be updated continually):

  • The Deal - $315,000 for 50% of the business and Marcus is 100% in charge. The money will go to new technology, healthier recipes, and to improve to concept before expanding.
  • Dean from Precise Graphix (season 3) helped with the design of The Soup Market's interior. Marcus put in over $60,000 on the re-design.
  • Grace was fired by Dave shortly after the re-design by Marcus Lemonis.  After she was fired, she contacted Marcus Lemonis.  Apparently she had previously filed something with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) for an advance made by Dave.
  • Dave also took down many of the changes made by Marcus and they both decided not to be partners anymore.
  • Marcus Lemonis has said that all money put into the renovations is gone. (Link)
  • UPDATE 9/9/2016 - It appears The Soup Market Facebook page has been taken down due to fans of the show giving 1 star ratings and leaving comments on the page.
  • Side note - It appears Kevin and Estephanie from the episode are married.
  • Grace had an interview with a Milwaukee online magazine after the show and she now lives in California.  She said she was the one who reached out to Marcus Lemonis and that she still believes in The Soup Market.  Her lawsuit against Dave Jurena is still in process.

*To see how all of the businesses from The Profit are doing, go to the The Profit Updates page, and also Like us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter to stay up to date with all things involving The Profit.